ELFA is pleased to support the 11th annual Women in Private Markets Summit – the leading investment event for women in alternatives. Our CEO Sabrina Fox will be speaking at the conference.
Join 800+ fund managers, investors and thought leaders for two unrivalled days of networking, collaboration and knowledge sharing across alternatives.
The Summit is a platform to connect with trailblazers in private markets, share your experiences, and walk away with actionable insights to drive your success in alternatives. Join the likes of AIMCo, APG, Aware Super, Border to Coast Pensions Partnership, Development Bank of Japan, EBRD, GLIL Infrastructure, LPPI, MEAG, OTPP, Pension Insurance Corp, Phoenix Group, Railpen, Tesco Pension Investment, USS, all already registered to attend this year.
Register now to attend and forge meaningful connections and create a diverse network that transcends borders and asset classes.
ELFA members are eligible for a 10% discount on delegate passes. Please contact events@elfainvestors.com for the details.