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Initiative Committees


The Board sets goals for each year, and delegates these priorities to our initiative committees to implement. Our committees and their aims are summarised below.


Navigating what AI means in practice for the asset management world

The AI Committee was launched in 2024 to scope out the impact of AI on the asset management industry and its stakeholders. It considers where our member firms are with their approach to AI, innovations, current issues they face, potential trends and perspectives that we could communicate to the market through our Insights Series, workshops, and webinars.
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CLO Investor
Promoting best practices to improve transparency in the CLO market

The CLO Investor Committee works to identify CLO investors’ requirements, facilitate discussions of general market progress and key issues, and contribute to the regulatory dialogue on the asset class. Allowing market participants to engage in developing the CLO market to propose solutions through publications, and best practice guidance to promote greater marketplace transparency.
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Disclosure & Transparency
Supporting better disclosure and greater transparency

Increase the effectiveness of engagement on covenant terms during the primary market offering process. Improve the quality and content of on-going reporting and increase access to information. Educate investors on the risks of incumbent covenant flexibility and restructuring issues.
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Diversity & Inclusion
Helping to build an inclusive workplace and diverse employee base

The D&I Committee is actively working to reshape the conversation on what Inclusion should mean and how best to enhance it in the workplace to foster a comfortable and flexible workplace where everyone can be heard. Create a platform for knowledge sharing on diversity and inclusion programmes in the financial services industry. Develop awareness about the industry at school and university levels to foster diversity in recruitment.
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Fostering engagement with regulators and other stakeholders

Liaise with advisers and regulators on issues of importance to investors in the leveraged finance market. Facilitate strong engagement among market participants in order to support a healthy leveraged finance market. Investigate ways to enhance liquidity and market functioning.
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Guiding companies to increase ESG disclosure

The ESG Committee tirelessly works on improving disclosure on ESG topics in the leveraged finance market and developing best practice guidance on ESG disclosures for sub-investment grade corporate borrowers. Publish sector-level disclosure checklists and support small to mid-size companies in their ESG disclosure journey.
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Leveraged Loan
Focused on issues unique to lenders and CLO managers

Increase the efficiency of the market by engaging with stakeholders to address issues such as delays in primary settlement, and issues with transfer restriction. Enhance the ability of leveraged loan lenders to make investment decisions by working to improve the level of information provided in term sheets.
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Private Debt Investor
Engage on issues critical to the direct lenders market to help shape the future of the asset class in Europe

The Committee will explore how ways to support transparency in valuation matters and will look to provide best practice guidance on valuation considerations, as well as how to streamline the direct lenders approach so that ESG matters can become a core feature of the due diligence process.
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We welcome new committee members and thoughts from market participants on ways to advance our mission.

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