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Opal Group European CLO Summit
8 October 2024
09:00–17:00 hrs
London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square, London, UK

ELFA is pleased to support Opal Group's European CLO Summit - an educational forum designed for investors, issuers, underwriters, rating agencies, lawyers and accountants.

Opal Group European Private Credit Summit
9 October 2024
09:00–17:00 hrs
London Marriott Hotel Grosvenor Square, London, UK

ELFA is pleased to support Opal Group's inaugural European Private Credit Summit.

AFME European High Yield and Private Debt Forum
22 October 2024
08:00–13:45 hrs
ING Amsterdam

ELFA is pleased to support AFME's European High Yield and Private Debt Forum, taking place on 22nd October in Amsterdam.