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ELFA supports the University of Oxford Prize for Greening Finance 2024 as a Nominating Partner

London, 15th February 2024: The European Leveraged Finance Association (ELFA) is delighted to once again be a nominating partner of the University of Oxford’s Greening Finance Prize 2024. Launched last year, the Prize recognises research and service that helps society better understand how environmental change influences finance and investment, and how economic and financial systems can contribute to achieving global environmental sustainability.

There are now 3 categories including:

Outstanding Research – recognises outstanding research that helps society better understand how environmental change influences finance and investment, and how economic and financial systems can contribute to achieving global environmental sustainability.

Outstanding Service – recognises individuals or not-for-profit organisations who have provided outstanding support for the furtherance of green finance.

Best Green Finance Fixed Income Paper – recognises a specific piece of research that examines the role environmental sustainability plays in fixed income investing.

If you know someone who deserves one of these prizes, please visit the website for all eligibility criteria and to make your nominations. The deadline is Friday 24th May 2024.

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23 October 2024
Cognitive Credit joins ELFA Partner Programme

We are delighted to announce that Cognitive Credit has joined our Partner Programme as an ELFA Specialist partner to help inform our members on credit data strategy.

11 October 2024
Press Release
ELFA appoints Three New Co-Chairs for Three of its Committees

The European Leveraged Finance Association (ELFA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Stuart Fuller as the new Leveraged Loan Committee Co-Chair, Nils Weber as the new Private Debt Investor Committee Co-Chair and Patrick Kersting as the new Disclosure & Transparency Committee Co-Chair.

16 September 2024
Press Release
Sabrina Fox steps down as CEO after establishing the European Leveraged Finance Association (ELFA) as a powerful voice of the leveraged finance buyside

Sabrina Fox steps down as CEO after establishing the European Leveraged Finance Association (ELFA) as a powerful voice of the leveraged finance buyside