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Winners of the new Insight Investment – University of Oxford Prize for Greening Finance Announced

 London, 31st July 2023: Last week the University of Oxford announced the winners of a new prize in green finance, the ‘Insight Investment – University of Oxford Prize for Greening Finance’, with two categories for outstanding research and for outstanding service, open to individuals and not-for-profit research teams. As a Nominating Partner for the inaugural Prize, ELFA would like to congratulate the winner of the outstanding service category, Mary Schapiro, Vice Chair of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, Chair of the Climate Data Steering Committee, and former Chair of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the winner of the outstanding research category, Professor Caroline Flammer, Professor of International and Public Affairs and of Climate at Columbia University.

It is fantastic to see awards like this emerge, that drive more of a spotlight on green finance and to recognise the world class academics who provide rigorous financial market analysis needed for investment solutions.

Please see the press release for more information on the prize and the 2023 winners.

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Press Release
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Press Release
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