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ELFA Insights

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Designed to provide a platform for members to express views on important issues, including disclosure, transparency, and market practices, our Insights Series reflects our remit to facilitate engagement by our members with the broader market and the general public.

ELFA Insights
Embracing Sustainability across the Education Sector: Insights from ELFA’s ESG Workshop
3 July 2024
ELFA Insights
Open Letter from the Board of the European Leveraged Finance Association
1 July 2024
ELFA Insights
Introduction to Nature and Biodiversity and the TNFD Framework
18 April 2024
ELFA Insights
ESG Reporting at the LP/GP Level for Private Debt Funds
14 March 2024
ELFA Insights
Why do Regional Discrepancies and Cross-Border Regulatory Differences affect the ESG Landscape?
19 December 2023
ELFA Insights
The Evolving Loan Market – Key Takeaways from ELFA and S&P Global Market Intelligence Event
18 December 2023

What are your experiences engaging with companies and their advisors? Do you have more questions for our Initiative Committees? Relating your experiences and questions is part of ELFA’s mission.